Outstanding Uniformed PA of the Year
The Veterans Caucus
of the
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Commander K. Moser, USN
Commander Moser was selected this year as the Veterans Caucus Uniformed Physician Assistant of the Year for his years of dedication to the Physician Assistant Profession and the caring of the sick and wounded serving in the United States Navy.
He has served in the United States Navy for over 30 years with experience encompassing special operations, forward deployments, and working with outpatient and inpatient medical centers. He has become a subject matter expert in Emergency, Diving, Wilderness, Operational, and Sports and Orthopedic Medicines.
Commander Moser has been instrumental in developing the Naval Special Warfare Medical Transition Program which manages the injured, disabled, wounded, and retiring Naval personnel to the Veterans Administration Centers. He intuitively discovered a very unique combat related head injury pattern that significantly affects SEALs night time combat balance, vital visual reactionary times due to post traumatic concussive ocular, vestibular, and cerebellar axis injuries. This study called the “Neurocognitive Assessment of Blast Exposure Sequelae in Combat Training Study” is now being used to further limit Special Operations training blast exposures and used in coordination with the Veterans Affairs Head Injury Program to improve the quality of life for our warriors. His 30+ years has taken him all over the globe as a special operational team surgical/orthopedic SEAL physician assistant around the Asian Islands, Desert Shield/Storm, and later deployed to Fallujah, Iraq with the Shock Trauma Platoon.
Currently, he is the Clinical Director for the Naval Special Warfare Center where he coordinates the clinical care for over 1000 enlisted personnel, 300 governmental students, US Marshalls and Border Patrol Special Operations, and other health care providers including physicians, physical therapists, and mental health providers within the Center.
Presented at the 43rd Annual Physician Assistant Conference Memorial Day, May 25, 2015, San Francisco, CA
Veterans Caucus PA of the Year
The Veterans Caucus
of the
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Commander Mark McKinnon, USPH
Commander McKinnon was selected this year as the Veterans Caucus Physician Assistant of the Year for his years of dedication to the Physician Assistant Profession and the caring of the sick and wounded along with his dedication to the AAPA Veterans Caucus. Mark has been in the United States Public Health Service for over 10 years and currently working for the Office of the Secretary in the office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. Commander McKinnon has an impressive military record working with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Homeland Security to FEMA, and more recently being assigned to the Advanced WHO Ebola Treatment Unit in Monrovia, Liberia. While in Liberia, Commander McKinnon managed patients inflicted with Ebola, Malaria, small bowel obstructions, and a variety of life threatening disease states that affects West Africa.
Mark is a very busy person but through all his responsibilities within the United States Public Health, he has completed a Doctoral of Health Science degree in Global Health from Nova Southeastern University in March 2011. His academic successes include numerous publications in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants in oral health, hypertension, CPR, and Traumatic Brain Injury. Mark perfects his academic skills with multiple lecture presentations on topics such as Capitol Hill Advocacy and Disaster Preparations.
Commander McKinnon has been a member of numerous professional organizations including the Public Health Service Academy, Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants, the American Academy of Physician Assistants and our own organization the AAPA Veterans Caucus. He is not just a member but an active participate who has held many offices such as President, Vice President, and Treasurer throughout the years on these different organizations. He has worked in the AAPA at the governmental level as a Chairperson for the Federal Affairs Working Group, Advocacy and Governmental Affairs Commission, Clinical and Scientific Affairs Council, Honor Guard Coordinator, Chief Executive Officer Selection Committee, and the House of Delegates.
Mark stands out in the Veterans Caucus with his continual support and dedication to this organization. He has been a member of the AAPA Veterans Caucus since 2002 where he has served on the Board of Directors and in other capacities outside the governance body to assist in any way possible. You ask for a volunteer and he never said no. He has always been instrumental in helping with the Memorial Day Service every year. He is the “go to” man for the color guard and coordinates this function in different parts of the country. His sense of detail and the “sharpness” of the color guard contributes tremendously to the success of the Ceremony. Commander McKinnon is truly the backbone of the Memorial Day Service.
Presented at the 43rd Annual Physician Assistant Conference Memorial Day, May 25, 2015, San Francisco, CA
Outstanding Civilian PA of the Year
The Veterans Caucus
of the
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Rod Richmond, PA-C
Mr. Richmond was selected this year as the Veterans Caucus Civilian Physician Assistant of the Year for his years of dedication to the Physician Assistant Profession and the caring of the sick and wounded. Rod is an Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard veteran who has worked in Nashville and now in New York where he opened an Urgent Care. He has volunteered as a firefighter and Paramedic.
But what you have seen tonight is his other unique talent that gives to so many and this is why he was nominated for this award. As a Country song writer and singer, “Rod” lived in Nashville where he developed his Country stardom. Rod has written and sang several albums such as Star In the Window, Livin In the USA, and a song named Breath Free that won “Fan Favorite” in a nationwide contest in memory of his father who passed away with a chronic lung disease. Rod is generous and donates part of the sale of his albums to the Gold Star Moms.
The Veterans Caucus is very lucky to be a part of Rod’s professional life where he writes and performs original songs each and every year at the AAPA Veterans Caucus Memorial Day Ceremony. He has performed such songs as God Loves the Grunt, Home Town Heroes, After the Shock and Awe, Avenues of Heroes, They Live On, and Home of the Brave to list a few. Most can attest that not too many who come to the ceremony do not shed a tear or two because of his songs. He also performs with a group the “Whitetail” and they perform at VFW and American Legion events for veterans.
Presented at the 43rd Annual Physician Assistant Conference Memorial Day, May 25, 2015, San Francisco, CA.