Uniformed PA of the Year

Timothy Harrelson, Capt USA

Capt. Harrelson was chosen as the 2009 Veterans Caucus Uniformed PA of the Year. In recognition of your gallantry in stabilizing more than 30 wounded individuals during numerous Taliban battles and treating over 800 Afghanistan civilians. As well as being instrumental in providing clean water to 300 Afghanistan families, thereby decreasing the pediatric mortality rate by 25%. “He is a credit to himself, the United States Army and the PA profession”, said Veteran Caucus President-Elect Steve Lackie prior to presenting him with his award.

Civilian PA of the Year

Earl Morse, Capt, USAF (RET), PA-C, Civilian PA of the Year

Prior to presenting Capt. Morse with his 2009 Civilian PA of the Year award, Veterans Caucus Board Member Tim Egan acknowledged his contributions through his involvement in community service. He is a person with a willingness to truly give of himself not only as a physician assistant but as an Air Force Veteran who gives back by assisting our service heroes to see their memorial in Washington DC free of charge. His dedication to this cause and our veterans is befitting this gentleman and his consummate professionalism.